Community come together to hear and share

TMOTW & FNDC Site Visit 2013

Ruben Wylie, Bruce Bevin, Natali Allen, Richard Ruka, Hone Taimona, & Alan Hessel. Some of those present at the TMOTW & FNDC site visit to the current Rawene WWTP in 2013.

July saw Te Mauri O Te Wai host alongside the FNDC host the first Public Hui to provide much needed feedback to the communities affected by the future of the Rawene Waste Water Treatment Plant. Facilitated by TMOTW Convenor Dallas Williams, the afternoon meeting was split into 4 agenda items 1.) FNDC reports back on its stance and views for the future, 2.) Janine McVeagh & Dallas Williams go over the journey Te Mauri O Te Wai has followed to get to this point and where to from here, 3.) Andreas Kurmann shares some ideas he has on the future options for RWWTP, and 4.) The community are given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on their views for the future.

In a highly informative meeting, guests and participants were able to hear first hand from expert Andreas Kurmann of other technologies that are successfully being used around the world which could present solutions that are economically viable and environmentally and culturally acceptable for the communities of the Hokianga.

Many participants asked questions which showed they themselves are keen to make lifestyle changes in order to benefit the environment and others indicated they were concerned about the impact on rates and council relationships.

The next bi-monthly meeting will enable TMOTW committee to go through the feeback received and see how to best incorporate the communities views.


Posted on August 20, 2014, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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